Articolo 26 ha aderito alla dichiarazione congiunta intitolata “Proteggere i bambini dall’ideologia di genere” sottoscritta da oltre 70 associazioni dei 5 continenti e presentata lunedi 17 marzo alla 58a sessione della plenaria del Consiglio per i diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite
Human Rights Council 58th Regular Session General Debate, Item 3
Joint Statement on Protecting Children from Gender Ideology
17 March 2025
This joint statement has been endorsed by over 70 organizations from across five continents.
Mr. President,
As the most vulnerable members of society, children deserve unwavering care, protection, and support. It is our collective responsibility to create an environment that enables their full development while safeguarding their mental and physical integrity. Yet today, in many countries, the pervasive influence of gender ideology undermines this imperative.
Under the guise of promoting diversity and inclusion, children in critical developmental stages are taught that they may have been born in the wrong body, instilling confusion and emotional distress instead of self-worth and acceptance. Worse, educational institutions actively facilitate or engage in children’s so-called ‘gender transition’, often without their parents’ consent or knowledge.
Moreover, in the name of so-called ‘gender-affirming care’, vulnerable children who experience discomfort with their bodies are rushed onto an irreversible path of lifelong medicalization. Under widely discredited standards of care, chemical and even surgical mutilation procedures are carried out with no regard for underlying psychological conditions and documented long-term risks. Meanwhile, concerned parents are misled, emotionally blackmailed into consenting, or outright excluded from these life-altering decisions.
No longer, Mr. President, can this Council remain silent while these egregious abuses persist!
A society that exposes children to irreparable harm while stripping parents of their rightful role does not act in the best interests of children—it fails them utterly. We urge all States and the United Nations to put an immediate end to this radical agenda and prioritize ethical and evidence-based care over poisonous ideology.
Our children’s future demands nothing less.
Thank you.
1. ADF International
2. Africa Christian Professionals Forum*
3. Aliance pro rodinu*
4. Articolo 26*
5. Asociación La Familia Importa
6. Asociația Alianța Familiilor din România*
7. Asociația PRO VITA București*
8. Association of United Families International
9. Association Society and Values*
10. Axioma Center*
11. Best In Ed*
12. Be Human Association*
13. Campaign Life Coalition
14. Coalition for Jewish Values*
15. Concepts of Truth
16. Corporación Comunidad y Justicia*
17. Courage Is A Habit*
18. Dominicans for Justice and Peace
19. Eagle Forum*
20. Fairändern*
21. FamilienAllianz Österreich*
22. Family Policy Alliance*
23. Family Research Council
24. Family Solidarity*
25. Femina Europa*
26. Focus on the Family*
27. Frontline Policy Council*
28. Fundación Española de Abogados Cristianos*
29. Fundación Nueva Democracia*
30. Global Helping to Advance Women and Children
31. Independent Women’s Forum*
32. Inštitut Integrum*
33. Inštitút pre ľudské práva a rodinnú politiku*
34. Instytut Ordo Iuris
35. JaPyeonh Law & Policy Institute*
36. Juristes pour l’enfance
37. Kenya Christian Professionals Forum*
38. Коалициа за заштита на децата*
39. Korea Recovery and Innovation Forum*
40. Korean Sexology Research Association*
41. Le Syndicat de la Famille*
42. Maryland Family Institute*
43. Massachusetts Family Institute*
44. Moms for America*
45. Moms for Liberty*
46. New Humanity
47. New Wave of Women – 새로운 여성 물결*
48. North Carolina Values Coalition*
49. Observatorio Regional para la Mujer de América Latina y El Caribe AC
50. Parental Rights Iowa*
51. Political Network for Values*
52. Priests for Life
53. Pro Vita e Famiglia*
54. Protect Our Kids*
55. Real Impact*
56. SALL – Associação de Defesa da Liberdade*
57. Seongsan Bioethics Research Institute*
58. The Bravins Maternity and Rescue Center*
59. The Ethics and Public Policy Center*
60. The Heritage Foundation
61. The Korean Sexology Research Association*
62. The International Organization for the Family*
63. Transatlantic Christian Council
64. True North Legal*
65. Truth in Education*
66. U ime obitelji*
67. Unión por las Libertades Fundamentales*
68. Universal Peace Federation
69. Village Consultancy*
70. VIVAT International
71. Women and Family – 위민앤패밀리*
*Organization not accredited with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.